Server Updates – 28/11/2021

Thanks to the Black Friday, we made numerous changes to our BaseQ servers!

We have bought a new server named Inferno, and some servers are being migrated, or created there. Do you have the name reference by the way? 😉

Those changes are mostly targeted at our Minecraft server, while preparing the event of December – January 2022 for Half-Life and Opposing Force.


  • Migrated the server to !
  • Added a new plugin preventing creepers to destroy blocks, while still damaging players.
  • Increased the maximum RAM reserved to the Minecraft server to 4Gb.
  • Slightly tweaked the server settings regarding entities visibility.


  • Added 4 new KTX servers on !
  • New maps were added! As a plus, all maps are synchronized on both servers.

Quake 2

  • Created an event server for December – January 2022 !
    • Server will be passworded until December 1st. Event details will be revealed @ !

Quake 3 Arena

  • Added CPM24a to the Q3+ duel server.


  • Fixing an important issue regarding random server visibility.
  • Created the event server for December – January 2022 !
    • Server is passworded until December 1st. Event details will be revealed @ !
  • Team-Deathmatch server will be kept.

Half-Life: Opposing Force

  • Created the event server for December – January 2022 !
    • Server is passworded until December 1st. Event details will be revealed @!
  • Team-Deathmatch server will be kept.
    • Teams have be modified to be Gordon vs Shephard.