More updates for Counter-Strike, More servers for Counter-Strike!
Changes to our PUG/Automix servers!
There have been some interest in the PUG – Legacy servers for some time already ; for those who do not know, every Saturday at 6PM, we play community matches on the maps that forged Counter-Strike during its creation, while retaining all of the original bugs.
However, we also have been repeatedly asked if it was possible to play on more “regular” maps rather than a very specific set of maps that not everyone might enjoy it.
So, we have created a new server dedicated for these maps, in a more classic, yet enjoyable for the community. You can play, or check it already on our server list.
The maplist
We have tried to stay true to the maplist used in competitive environments, but we also added some more maps. Here are what we currently added, so far:
- de_dust2
- de_inferno
- de_nuke
- de_tuscan
- de_train
- de_mirage
- css_cache
- de_lite
- de_csr_inferno
- de_csr_2x2
- de_dust2_2x2
- css_inferno2x2
- de_aztec_mini
- de_c4_z
- de_dust2_3x3
Right now, we are only missing aim/awp maps, and probably some other maps, so if you want more maps added to our list, or that some maps may be out of place, feel free to jump on our Discord server or to commentate on our Patreon.
New voting system en-place!
For this update, we also added, in a QuakeWorld-similar fashion, a voting system that allows players to change on the fly the configuration of the server. This is applied to both the Legacy PUG and the Competitive PUG servers.
New Commands
: Vote for the 5v5 config.4on4
: Vote for the 4v4 config.3on3
: Vote for the 3v3 config.2on2
: Vote for the 2v2 config.1on
1 : Vote for the 1v1 config.
agree : Agree for the vote.
When someone started a vote, players will have to type .agree
in order for that gamemode to be applied. Players will have to agree in a span of 30 seconds, otherwise a vote has to be started again.

Please note that some options are purposely restricted for 1 on 1 matches. Please remember to use the .help
command for more info about what commands can be used.
CS:Opposing Force is now seasonal!
After the success of the event (and how chaotic it was for the players – we all loved it!) ; we have decided to host a completely seasonal server on this theme!
Please remember that this server may lack the firing sounds from the CS:OF mod seen on GameBanana, but all of the other assets are properly working.
This server will thus be available from the 31st of January to the 31st of March for Counter-Strike 1.6 players, and can already be seen in our server list.

I’ve heard CS:Source will also receive a PUG server?
Yes, that’s something that’s currently in the works! We’re currently working on a Counter-Strike: Source PUG server… But for legacy purposes only, as we will use the pre-Orangebox release (aka v34).
The server technically works and is even up, but is currently password-protected. Also, we are still tweaking some things in order to make sure it will be playable.
If you desire to play Counter-Strike: Source (v34) by yourself, please remember we have a page on our WiQi to assist you so.
The server should be available for our BaseCrew users early February and might be used for Legacy PUGs too, so stay tuned for more info.
Additionally speaking…
We made some updates to our servers. Here’s the changelog:
- Fixed a map that wasn’t playable in the rush/shorts
- Fixed FastDL downloads for de_tuscan.
Condition Zero:
- Removed the CS:Opposing Force server.
Half-Life: Opposing Force
- Fixed double “XXXX disconnected” messages.
- Removed the forced download of custom skins.
- Fixed a rare tickrate issue.
Half-Life: Adrenaline Gamer
- Removed some servers.
- However, all servers now include back all gamemodes that the mod originally gave, and not a selected ones.
- Servers now use HL25 changes by default.
- Fixed a rare tickrate issue.
Deathmatch Classic
- Fixed crashes related to maps that required some very specific wad files.