Community Event #29 | CS:Source | 15/09/2024

Event Details
Date: Sunday 15 / SEPTEMBER / 2024
Game: Counter-Strike: Source (pre-Orangebox)
Time: 6:00 PM CET
IP: csevent.baseq.fr:25000
Did I see…. Pre-Orangebox? ❤_❤
Yup, you saw it right! Maybe you’ve heard of that name, or rather… That infamous update that quite broke CS:Source’s popularity back in 2010. That update that brought Orangebox to the Half-Life 2 engine, changing not only Half-Life 2 Deathmatch, Day of Defeat: Source, but even Counter-Strike: Source.

And for CS:Source… That update was quite disastrous. Gameplay changed a lot from the previous update, forced the tickrate to 66, effectively killing the competitive scene (that upped it to 100 as a standard), and overall, the update was half-cooked… Just for giving us achievements that noone really cared about. At least, for the modding scene, that update brought so many opportunities, which is quite fun too.
Well, how about we correct this, by trying out the latest version BEFORE that atrocity came to haunt us? Rest assured, I got you covered if you don’t know how to get this ❤
Small important infos about that particular build…
Before starting the game, you must make sure that Steam is closed before attempting to play on that client. Otherwise, it will auto-delete an important file (clientregistry.blob) that you will need to extract again.

Also, keep the client somewhere! Next Thursday, we’ll play Half-Life 2 DM using that version as well, which includes changes as well!
See you this Sunday! Also, don’t hesitate to ask any questions in the comments if you ever require help or anything. 🙂
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