Community Event #36 | CS:GO (Legacy) | 17/11/2024

Event Details
Date: Sunday 17 / NOVEMBER / 2024
Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (STEAM – v2023 Legacy)
Time: 6:00 PM CET
IP: event.baseq.fr:25000
Wait, CSGO again??
If I’m telling you that hosting a CSGO server, when CS2 is released would be counter-productive… You would be right! And yes, even if Train received a much appreciated remake in the latest CS2 update, it still misses some very fun gamemodes, such as… Well, you guessed it, Danger Zone.
Originally DeZolance wondered if hosting a Danger Zone would be possible shortly after the event, and after some testings, we noticed it was, despite some changes had to be done! But we will slightly improve this before it goes live, with the management of squads and some addition of respawns.
Granted, we already did an event on CS:GO last week, and we didn’t expect another CS:GO event being run so soon, but screw it, we’re going to do it anyway! We’re going to run some Danger Zone, but be careful: compared to the other events, and due to the limitation of the gamemode, we might lower the maximum amount of players to 20! We’ll see if we’ll be able to increase the amount in the meantime…
So we won’t hold ourselves back: we’ll host some Danger Zone ; be the #1 Squad, and most importantly, just have fun!

In addition to that…
We have done some changes/updates to our servers. Surprised? 🙂
CS:GO (2023 / Legacy)
- Hosting not one but TWO Danger Zone servers! We are temporarily disabling them exceptionally during the event server, but they’ll stay available.
Counter-Strike 1.6
- Removed the Seasonal Event server (Halloween). See you in December!
- Updated ReSemiClip.
- Updated Reunion to the latest version.
- Various Tweaks in the configuration.
- Updated the PUG server, with a few additional changes.
Counter-Strike: Source
- Removed the Seasonal Event server (Halloween).
- Updated Sourcemods to the latest version.
Doom (ZDaemon)
- Fixed a nasty crash in Necromantic Thirst RC1 Cooperative server regarding MAP29.