Community Event #35 | CS:GO (Legacy) | 10/11/2024

Event Details
Date: Sunday 10 / NOVEMBER / 2024
Game: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (STEAM – v2023 Legacy )
Time: 6:00 PM CET
IP: event.baseq.fr:25000
The origin of the story.
Initially we wanted to host this event next week as we thought the process of playing this very specific build of CS:GO would be quite difficult, both from a server and a client standpoint ; we thus believed that we’d leave some time for the players to set it up properly.
… Except that after some testings, we noticed that it actually wasn’t difficult at all to let clients play CS:GO Legacy. Installing that version of CS:GO for clients is actually simplier than ever (more details below). It was simply the process of creating a server and connecting to it that was more difficult, mostly because of a very recent update from one of the most important component to make it run, that resulted in sudden crashes upon any type of connection.
Thankfully, the issue was found, and we’ve been able to play it with no issue at all!

We will attempt to play mostly some community-focused maps as well as some official maps, just like old times!
How to prepare yourself for Sunday?
Installing this specific build of CS:GO is extremely easy ; all you need… Is Counter-Strike 2. Shocking, right? 😉
More seriously, you will have to go to the Betas tab, and select csgo_legacy - Legacy Version of CS:GO

And, if you haven’t done it already, in your Launch parameters, you’ll have to add -novid -console

The update will take an additionnal 30GB to download the full game, so be patient. You’ll just have to select “Play Legacy Version of CS:GO” once it’s done and you’re good to go!

Once the console is opened, just type connect event.baseq.fr:25000
and you’ll be connected to the server!
Unlocking your inventory
You can still reuse your inventory and have access to the server list. Simply open this file:
<YOUR STEAMAPPS FOLDER>\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\steam.inf
and replace ClientVersion=1575
by ClientVersion=2000426

You should be able to see a little more in your CSGO menu than earlier… And have access to your inventory again.